“Machine learning in bank merger prediction: A text-based approach” (2024) European Journal of Operational Research 312(2), 783-797 (A.G Κatsafados, G.N. Leledakis, E.G. Pyrgiotakis, I. Androutsopoulos, and M. Fergadiotis)
“Twitter Sentiment and Stock Market: A COVID-19 Analysis” (2023) Journal of Economic Studies Forthcoming (A.G. Κatsafados, S. Nikoloutsopoulos, and G.N. Leledakis)
“Textual Information and IPO Underpricing: A Machine Learning Approach” (2023) Journal of Financial Data Science 5(2), 100-135 (A.G. Κatsafados, G.N. Leledakis, E.G. Pyrgiotakis, I. Androutsopoulos, I. Chalkidis, and M. Fergadiotis)
"EU regulation and open market share repurchases: New evidence" European Journal of Finance 29(9), 1022-1042. (A. Drousia, A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis, E.G. Pyrgiotakis)
"Augmenting the realized GARCH: The role of signed jumps, attenuation-biases and long-memory effects” (2023) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 27, 171-198 (I. Papantonis, L. Rompolis, E. Tzavalis, O. Agapitos)
"Improving realized variance forecasts: The role of realized variance features” (2023) International Journal of Forecasting 39, 1221-1237 (I. Papantonis, L. Rompolis, E Tzavalis)
“U.S. bank M&As in the post-Dodd-Frank Act era: Do they create value?” (2022) Journal of Banking and Finance 135, Article 105576 (G.N. Leledakis, and E.G. Pyrgiotakis)
"To be or not to be in the EU: the international economic effects of Brexit uncertainty" (2022) The European Journal of Finance (Panagiota Makrychoriti & Spyros Spyrou)
"What matters for consumer sentiment in the euro area? World crude oil price or retail gasoline price?" (2022) Energy Economics 105 105743 (Sofronis Clerides, Styliani-Iris Krokida, Neophytos Lambertides, Dimitris Tsouknidis)
"Multinomial logit as an early warning model for predicting banking crises" (2022) Applied Economics Letters (C. Filippopoulou)
"The effect Tone in European Central Bank communication during financial crises: The case of Greece" (2022) Book Chapter in Scientific Volume in Memory of C. Tsoumas, Hellenic Open University (Stylia-Iris Krokida, Spyros Spyrou)
"The impact of monetary policy on income inequality: evidence from Eurozone markets" (2022) Journal of Economic Studies
49, 522-540 (Konstantina Liosi and Spyros Spyrou)
“Option-implied moments and the cross-section of stock returns” (2022) Journal of Futures Markets 42, 668-691 (L. Alexiou, L. Rompolis)
"Valuation of European firms during the Russia-Ukraine war" (2022) Economics Letters 218 (September) 110750 (A. Bougias, A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis)
"The role of asset payouts in the estimation of default barriers" (2022) International Review of Financial Analysis 81 102091(A. Bougias, A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis)
“Recovering the market risk premium from higher-order moment risks” (2021) European Financial Management 27, 147-186 (G. Chalamandaris, L. Rompolis)
“Does it pay to acquire private firms? Evidence from the U.S. banking industry” (2021) The European Journal of Finance 27(10), 1029-1051 (G.N Leledakis, E.C. Mamatzakis, E.G. Pyrgiotakis, and N.G. Travlos)
“Using textual analysis to identify merger participants: Evidence from the U.S. banking industry” (2021) Finance Research Letters 42, Article 101949. (A.G. Κatsafados, I. Androutsopoulos, I. Chalkidis, E. Fergadiotis, G.N. Leledakis, and E.G. Pyrgiotakis)
“Intraday analysis of the limit order bias on the ex-dividend day of U.S. common stocks” (2021) International Review of Economics and Finance 72, 405-421 (V.A. Efthymiou, A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis, and E.G. Pyrgiotakis)
“Monetary Policy and Herd Behavior: International Evidence” (2020) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 170, 386–417 (S. Krokida, P. Makryxwriti, S. Spyrou)
"An Early Warning System for Predicting Systemic Banking Crises in the Eurozone: A Logit Regression Approach” (2020) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 172, 344–363 (C. Filippopoulou, E. Galariotis, S. Spyrou)
“Valuation Ratio Style Investing and Economic Sentiment: Evidence from Major Eurozone Markets” (2020) Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 55, 827–856 (S. Spyrou)
"Momentum Return Volatility, Uncertainty, and Energy Prices: Evidence from Major International Equity Market” (2020) Review of Behavioral Finance 12, 411-433 (S. Spyrou) 10.1108/RBF-09-2019-0133
"The effects of geopolitical risk and economic policy uncertainty on dry bulk shipping freight rates" (2020) Applied Economics 53, 2218-2229 (W. Drobetz, K. Gavriilidis, S-I Krokida, D. Tsouknidis) DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2020.1857329
"Market reaction to actual daily share repurchases in Greece" (2019) The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 74, 267-277 (A. Drousia, A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis)
"Put-call parity violations and return predictability: Evidence from the 2008 short sale ban" (2019) Journal of Banking and Finance 106, 276-297 (G. Nishiotis, L. Rompolis)
“Could Market Making be Profitable in The European Carbon Market?” Energy Journal 40, 5-28 (2019) (Galariotis, E, Kalaitzoglou, I., Kosmidou, K., Papaefthimiou, S., Spyrou, S) 10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.egal
2018 ​
“The Impact of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy on Expectations and Sentiment” (2018) Journal of Banking and Finance, 86, 1–20 (E. Galariotis, P. Makryxwriti, S. Spyrou)
“Contagion, Volatility Persistence, and Volatility Spill-Overs: The Case of Energy Markets during the European Financial Crisis”, (2017) Energy Economics, 66, 217-227, (K. Andriotsopoulos, E. Galariotis, S. Spyrou)
"Bank-sovereign contagion in the Eurozone: A panel VAR approach", (2017) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 48, 146-159 (D. Georgoutsos, G. Moratis)
“Retrieving risk neutral moments and expected quadratic variation from option prices” (2017) Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 48, 955-1002 (L. Rompolis, Elias Tzavalis)
“Pricing and hedging contingent claims using variance and higher-order moment swaps” (2017) Quantitative Finance, 17, 531-550 (L. Rompolis and E. Tzavalis)
“Herd behavior and equity market liquidity: Evidence from major markets” (2016) International Review of Financial Analysis, 48, 140-149 (S. Krokida, E. Galariotis, S. Spyrou)
“Sovereign CDS spread determinants and spill-over effects during financial crisis: A panel VAR approach” (2016) Journal of Financial Stability, 26, 62-77, (E. Galariotis, P. Makryxwriti, S. Spyrou)
“Bond market investor herding: Evidence from the European financial crisis” (2016) International Review of Financial Analysis, 367-375 (E. Galariotis, S. Krokida, S. Spyrou)
“Risk-free rates and variance futures prices” (2016) Journal of Futures Markets, 36 , 943-967 (L. Rompolis)
“Herding on fundamental information: A comparative study” (2015) Journal of Banking and Finance 50, 589-598 (E. Galariotis, W. Rong,S. Spyrou )
"Macroeconomic effects on emerging markets sovereign credit spreads", (2015) Journal of Financial Stability, 20, 20-38, (E. Clark. K. Kassimatis)
"Exploiting stochastic dominance to generate abnormal stock returns", (2014) Journal of Financial Markets, 20-38 (E. Clark. K. Kassimatis)
"The Price Impact of the Disposition Effect on the Ex-Dividend Day of NYSE and AMEX Common Stocks", Quantitative Finance 14, 711-724 (Efthymiou, V. Leledakis, G)
​"Heterogeneity of the determinants of euro-area sovereign bond spreads; what does it tell us about financial stability?", (2013) Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, 4650-4664 (D. Georgoutsos, P. Migiakis)
"Herding in Financial Markets: A Review of the Literature", (2013) Review of Behavioral Finance, 5, 175-194 (S. Spyrou) 10.1108/RBF-02-2013-0009