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Behavioral Finance Laboratory

(BeFin Lab)




Athens University of Economics & Business

School of Business Administration

Department of Accounting & Finance



The Behavioral Finance Laboratory (BeFin Lab) has been founded in order to support the research and teaching needs of the Department of Accounting & Finance at AUEB, with a focus on issues related to Behavioral Finance. More specifically, the research focus of the Lab will be on issues such as Prospect Theory & Rationality, Investor Psychology, Heuristics, Investor Sentiment, Herd Behavior, Investor Overreaction, Investor Underreaction, Contrarian and Momentum Strategies, Monetary Policy and Economic Expectations. Furthermore, the Lab aims to encourage scientific collaboration with international research centers and academic instiutions, to organise scientific lectures, seminars, symposia, and conferences, to invite quest speakers for open lectures, and encourage its members to publish high quality research papers that contribute to the scientific literature in the field of behavioral finance. The Lab is also able to provide services related to research projects.  


The Lab is equipped with terminals with specialized software and databases that contribute to the research and the teaching process both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The three Department's financial management Labs (Finance Lab, Behavioral Finance Lab, International Shipping, Finance & Management Lab) provide researchers with acess to: EIKON-Reuters, Bloomberg, I/B/E/S (Institutional Brokers Estimate System), Thomson One, Thomson Deal Scan, ICAP, Compustat North America, Clarksons, PerTrac Financial Solutions, CRSP (The Centre for Research in Security Prices), The AUEB network, to electronic journals and electronic databases (EBSCO, HEAL-Link, Business Source Complete, SwetsWise, JSTOR, Balance of Payments Statistics, etc) as well as to econometric and statistical software, such as EViews, Stata, MATLAB, WinRATS, SPSS, OxMetrics, Eval.




The establishment of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) came about as a historic necessity following the economic, technological and social changes that took place in Greece at the end of the 19th and the early 20th century. Since its foundation the trajectory of the Athens University of Economics and Business has been characterized by a continuous effort to tend to all the complex developments that have transformed Greek society and the broader international environment. The adaptability and dynamism that the University has demonstrated has helped it evolve from a School of Classical and Commercial Studies into a modern and dynamic University not limited to the development of classic Economics or Administrative Sciences but extending to modern decision-making and information Sciences, with emphasis on the integration of quantitative methods and new technologies.



International Recognition:

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